Fee - Trainity - Work Experience Programs

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Program Fee

Unlocking opportunities at 0 effective fees for everyone

Quality education doesn't have to be expensive. We have a way to unlock it for everyone

The problem with online courses = Motivation & Incentive to Complete

The online training and courses have very low completion rate, that is students barely have enough motivation to work hard daily and complete the training. The refund model gives student enough motivation to get their fee back and they end up learning a lot more. it is the same reason, we have a tremendous:

Completion Rate
Placement rate of students
Zero Effective Fee

0 program fee, if you complete all task

You will get your 100% learning fee refunded if you complete all task within the program. This way students have the motivation to learn more and complete task necessary to build real work-ex skills.

Program Fee

0 Effective Fee Explained

Learn fundamental skills with accountability and structure. Once you’ve finished the course on time you can get all your money back.


Pay the ₹Enrollment Fee

Secure your seat by paying a minimal enrollment fee


Submit your Projects

Dedicate yourself to your capstone projects and make sure to submit them on time


Get a 100% Fee Refund

Get your enrollment fee refunded after getting your projects approved

What if I don't finish within deadline?

Illustration of buying an online course. Purchasing a course with EntryLevel happens when you don't complete the program and don't get your refund.
Congratulations! You've bought a course.

The majority of companies charge you thousands of rupees to help you have "skin in the game." Even though a monetary cost can serve as a motivator, if that were their only incentive, they would give you a refund once you were finished.

You can still access the content even if you don't finish. Essentially, you have nothing to lose since you have already paid for the course, which is the worst that can happen (those who choose a refund lose access as soon as the course is over). It is frequently what companies do. We simply want to provide you with a way to be motivated to complete the race and cross the finish line with flying colours.

What are the premium perks?